Are any of these experiences holding you back?
“Even though I’m safe now, it’s like my body hasn’t gotten the message”
You may experience a near constant state of elevated stress and anxiety and shows up in your body in different ways: A racing heart, tense muscles, sweaty palms, a dry mouth and stomach discomfort are common. Racing thoughts and a constant sense of impending doom make it hard to unwind and enjoy moments of peace. Or you may also find yourself shutting down, withdrawing and avoiding certain places and people or tasks, keeping you stuck and feeling distant from the things you want to experience in life.
“I don’t believe the harmful things I was once told, but I still feel fear, guilt and shame”
Whether it be through lived experience in a hostile, oppressive or abusive environment, or through more subtle messages you’ve picked up from society, you got the message that you are not enough; you’re broken and your feelings can’t be trusted. Even though you know with the logical part of your mind, that these things aren’t true. you can’t shake the feelings of shame, uncertainty, fear and guilt that come up uninvited and urge you to play small and stay quiet.
“I try to move on, but I’m still affected by my past”
Do you find yourself feeling triggered by things that remind you of your childhood or your past? Do people and relationships remind you of others you were once hurt by? Or maybe you have noticed certain patterns repeating again and again: ways of coping that used to work but just end up holding you back now.
“I’ve had to wear a “mask” for so long, I’m not really sure who I am”
Have you had to hide and push away parts of yourself for so long, or from such an early age that you don’t really know what it means to be yourself authentically or how to get there? You may have had to develop versions of yourself to get by in a demanding or unsafe world, and are ready to peel back the layers of social conditioning to live in a way that is most meaningful to you.
My name is Olivia White
I have a deep clinical and personal understanding of the impact that living life in “survival mode” has on personal growth, mental health, self discovery and expression. I also understand the role that systemic and organized forces play in creating the need for living in “survival” in the first place.
My therapeutic approach is anchored in trauma informed, creative and mind-body practices, ensuring that the people with whom I work receive high quality care that addresses their concerns at the heart, as this is where we see real, transformational change. I hold a license as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, I'm a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional at level 2 (CCTP-II) and a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP).
Some of the techniques and theories I use in my practice include Coherence Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Expressive Art, and Internal Family Systems (IFS), or “Parts Work”.
You have worked so hard to get here.
I can understand the depth of what you’ve been through, and I also know that healing and transformation is possible. Reach out by clicking the button below to schedule your free consultation.